Article Categories

Here you will find a collections of articles written by Trevor.

When Bad Process Beats Good People: Strategies for Measuring and Improving Your Team

When Bad Process Beats Good People: Strategies for Measuring and Improving Your Team

July 24, 2024

In manufacturing, we’re all about results! Whether you’re looking at quality, safety, or productivity, it’s important to know how you’re performing. But when it comes to measuring people, it can be a bit trickier to determine if you’re making the best investment. After all, you can’t exactly measure people the same way you measure inventory … Read More

Your Guide to Finding the Curiosity Advantage

Your Guide to Finding the Curiosity Advantage

July 22, 2024

Imagine you come into your plant on a Monday morning and find that your team only completed half of the work they were supposed to complete. What would you think or say? You might immediately jump to negative and judgmental thoughts like: What a disaster! Someone should have raised the flag. This is going to … Read More

The Power of Storytelling: How to Create Stories That Resonate with Your Team

The Power of Storytelling: How to Create Stories That Resonate with Your Team

July 10, 2024

Since our early ancestors sat around their campfires swapping stories, storytelling has been an integral part of human culture. As humans, we’re all storytellers . . . and when we hone our skills and put them to use on the manufacturing floor, it can have incredible results. Through storytelling, you can find creative and productive … Read More

Three Keys to Unlocking Your High-Performance Potential

Three Keys to Unlocking Your High-Performance Potential

June 26, 2024

What do humans and race cars have in common? Like the cars driven by your favorite NASCAR or Formula One Drivers, we’re high-performance vehicles. And like race cars, we sometimes need building, fixing, and restoration to reach our greatest potential. With a background as an award-winning senior executive for agencies, brands, and team properties in … Read More

Three Foundations for Building Trust (with Yourself AND Your Team!)

Three Foundations for Building Trust (with Yourself AND Your Team!)

June 12, 2024

Trust is the antidote to many challenges on the manufacturing floor, from combating team disconnect to improving your own behavior as a leader. Building trust, in both yourself and your team, can be a long journey… and luckily, you don’t have to navigate it alone! To build trust in your organization, one great resource is … Read More

Compassion, Connection, and Conversations: The Key to Transforming Manufacturing

Compassion, Connection, and Conversations: The Key to Transforming Manufacturing

May 29, 2024

The manufacturing industry just keeps getting greater—and it’s all thanks to passionate, mindful leaders who show up every day ready to engage their teams, improve their mindset, and create an environment where people love to work. One of these leaders is Karen J. Lund, a bestselling author and keynote speaker with a long career in … Read More

Three Actions for Navigating Setbacks and Building Resilience

Three Actions for Navigating Setbacks and Building Resilience

May 13, 2024

Have you recently encountered a challenge or setback? You’re not alone! Throughout our lives, we all experience struggles and adversity. This includes career setbacks, like getting passed up for a big promotion or underperforming in a meeting, as well as personal challenges like a scary medical diagnosis or a breakup with a partner. I know … Read More

How To Get Your Core Values off the Walls and Onto the Floor

How To Get Your Core Values off the Walls and Onto the Floor

April 17, 2024

Your organization’s core values might be seen in plaques on your walls, but are they showing up on the shop floor? Even when you think your organization has strong core values, they might not be clear through actions, behavior, and language—or if they’re outdated, your core values might actually be doing more harm than good! … Read More

How to Use Positivity to Unlock Stronger Connections

How to Use Positivity to Unlock Stronger Connections

April 3, 2024

If you want to improve safety, quality, productivity, and results, the first step is looking toward improving connection. With more mindfulness and connection, your entire organization can thrive. But from “energy vampires” to negative self-talk, there are many factors that can stand in your way of creating a more mindful, positive organization. How can you … Read More

How to Find New Perspectives Through Emotional Intelligence

How to Find New Perspectives Through Emotional Intelligence

March 18, 2024

“I’m good at the technical parts of my role and have valuable information to share… so why does it seem like no one wants to work with me?!” If you’re asking yourself a question like this, it might be a sign that you’re in need of a fresh perspective. This was the topic of a … Read More

How to Use Curiosity and Compassion to Become a Self-Awareness Champion

How to Use Curiosity and Compassion to Become a Self-Awareness Champion

February 21, 2024

Do you want to improve relationships at your organization and change the way you show up for your team? It all starts with self-awareness . . . and “self-awareness champion” Zovig Garboushian is ready to help. With years of experience in brand marketing, management consulting, and leadership development, Zovig now puts her passion and experience … Read More

Manufacture Your Own Greatness: 3 Lessons From Our New Name

Manufacture Your Own Greatness: 3 Lessons From Our New Name

February 12, 2024

Last month, we made a big announcement: Operations Kickstart is now Manufacturing Greatness! This new name symbolizes our mission of guiding manufacturing teams into greatness by bridging disconnect, fostering curious dialogues, and sharing the tools for finding stronger leadership and more productive outcomes. Are you ready to manufacture greatness in your own organization? Here are … Read More

Passion, Purpose, and Perseverance: Powerful Lessons from Dragons’ Den

Passion, Purpose, and Perseverance: Powerful Lessons from Dragons’ Den

February 7, 2024

Have you ever wanted to pitch your great ideas on a show like Shark Tank or its Canadian equivalent, Dragons’ Den? Canadian entrepreneur Tonia Jahshan had the experience of a lifetime when she and her husband pitched their loose-leaf tea company, Sipology, on Dragons’—and Tonia recently came onto the Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast to give a … Read More

Slowly, Slowly: An Endurance Athlete’s Four Lessons for Going the Distance

Slowly, Slowly: An Endurance Athlete’s Four Lessons for Going the Distance

January 24, 2024

What does manufacturing leadership have in common with running marathons or climbing mountains? Steven Pivnik is the perfect person to answer this question! Steven is an entrepreneur who brough great growth and success to his company Binary Tree during his tenure as CEO. He is also an accomplished endurance athlete, who has reached the summits … Read More

Welcome to Manufacturing Greatness: The 3 Reasons Behind Our New Name

Welcome to Manufacturing Greatness: The 3 Reasons Behind Our New Name

January 16, 2024

Operations Kickstart is now Manufacturing Greatness! After years of helping manufacturing organizations combat disconnect by connecting the top to the shop floor, my team and I are excited to keep up the same work under a new name. Why The Change? While change can be scary and uncomfortable, this shift felt right for three big … Read More

Three Lessons for Growing and Harnessing Your Infinite Influence

Three Lessons for Growing and Harnessing Your Infinite Influence

January 10, 2024

On the manufacturing floor, you influence people every day, from encouraging a valued supplier to stay with your organization to motivating an underperforming team member to step up their game. But what exactly is influence, and how can you unlock the skills you need to improve the way you influence your team? Alyson Van Hooser … Read More

A Focusologist’s Three-Step Process for Finding Your Reset Mindset

A Focusologist’s Three-Step Process for Finding Your Reset Mindset

December 27, 2023

While you’re working at a fast-paced manufacturing plant with multiple demands on your time and energy throughout the day, it can feel impossible to find a moment to focus! When this happens, you might feel like you’re losing track of what matters most to you and your team, like improving safety, boosting productivity, and strengthening … Read More

Is Humor the Secret Tool for Bridging the Connection Gap?

Is Humor the Secret Tool for Bridging the Connection Gap?

December 13, 2023

Is humor the secret weapon for combatting disconnect in your organization? In the often fast-paced and high-stress manufacturing industry, it might not seem like there’s time for humor . . . but Tim Gard wants to change your mind! Tim is a Hall of Fame Speaker and business coach, who uses his own humor-infused presentations … Read More

Three Lessons for Leading with Intention

Three Lessons for Leading with Intention

November 14, 2023

Have you ever started the day with positive intentions, then left your plant at the end of the day feeling like you didn’t actually accomplish any of your intentions? You might be struggling with “intention deficit disorder,” a term coined by my friend, public speaking colleague, and USA Today bestselling author Jon Giganti in his … Read More

Lessons Learned from 100 Episodes of Mindfulness Manufacturing

Lessons Learned from 100 Episodes of Mindfulness Manufacturing

November 9, 2023

Winning starts with small steps! If you want to climb a mountain or run a marathon, you can’t get there just by thinking about the peak or the finish line. You have to put in the time, establish a routine, and put one foot in front of the other in your path toward success. This … Read More

Relationships, Realities, Results, and Authenticity: The Equation for Success

Relationships, Realities, Results, and Authenticity: The Equation for Success

October 5, 2023

“How can I be my most authentic self at work?” Throughout her years working in the male-dominated auto manufacturing industry, recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast guest Kathy Miller was no stranger to this question. For women like Kathy, it can be a challenge to find the balance between holding their own on the floor and staying … Read More

The First Steps for Creating Must-Read Content

The First Steps for Creating Must-Read Content

September 13, 2023

The First Steps for Creating Must-Read Content I recently had a blast doing a speaking event for the Louisville Society of Human Resources, and I credit much of my success to the hours I spent writing and preparing my speech. Before this event, I wasn’t the biggest fan of preparing, but as I worked on … Read More

“What Else Can I Do to Help?” And Other Ways to Be Relentlessly Helpful

“What Else Can I Do to Help?” And Other Ways to Be Relentlessly Helpful

September 6, 2023

“What else can I do to help?” When Susan Baier, a professional speaker and the founder of Audience Audit, was fresh out of college, this simple question changed the entire trajectory of her career. As she recently shared as a guest on my Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast, Susan was in an interview with an advertising professional … Read More

Three Ways to Prepare for an Ovation-Worthy Performance

Three Ways to Prepare for an Ovation-Worthy Performance

September 6, 2023

Any conversation has the potential to be an ovation-worthy performance! This is the basis of Michael Port’s book, Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life. As a former professional actor and the founder of Heroic Public Speaking, Michael … Read More

Ready to Write a Must-Read Book? 4 Methods for Getting Started!

Ready to Write a Must-Read Book? 4 Methods for Getting Started!

August 23, 2023

Have you ever wanted to write a book? Do you have a great idea, but no idea how to find the time to start? In her book Write a Must Read: Crafting a Book That Changes Lives—Including Your Own, AJ Harper addresses questions like these. With years of experience as a ghostwriter, AJ has developed … Read More

Using Style Choices to Make a Great Impact

Using Style Choices to Make a Great Impact

July 26, 2023

You only have seven seconds to make a great first impression! If you’re a listener of my Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast, you might remember this insight from guest Sylvie di Giusto, who joined me to chat about the factors that go into creating a memorable and successful first impression. One of the biggest factors is appearance, … Read More

Bringing Everyday Magic to the Manufacturing Floor

Bringing Everyday Magic to the Manufacturing Floor

July 12, 2023

On the manufacturing floor, you might not see rabbits being pulled out of hats or people vanishing in a puff of smoke, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t everyday chances to create a little magic! According to my recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast guest, speaker, author, entrepreneur (and magician!) Jon Petz, magical moments are all around. … Read More

How to Prevent and Combat Burn-Out in the Workplace

How to Prevent and Combat Burn-Out in the Workplace

July 3, 2023

Do you constantly feel stressed out? Are you worried you aren’t living up to your team’s expectations at work? Do you find yourself combating the “Sunday Scaries” and dreading heading in for another work week? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you might have burn-out. What is Burn-Out? Burn-out is a … Read More

How to Use a Personal Development Plan to Elevate Your Leadership

How to Use a Personal Development Plan to Elevate Your Leadership

June 21, 2023

“How do I reduce turnover in my organization?” “Why do I keep losing my best team members to the competition?” “How do I grow the skills I need to inspire and guide my team?” As a leader in a manufacturing organization, questions like these might weigh on your mind every day. But you might struggle … Read More

A is for Appearance: The ABCs of a Great First Impression

A is for Appearance: The ABCs of a Great First Impression

June 5, 2023

First impressions are everything! Whether you’re introducing yourself to a new team member or heading into a job interview, the way you present yourself can be the make-or-break factor between a positive experience and a negative one. To add to the stress, you also only have about seven seconds before the other person forms an … Read More

Using Connection to Improve Communications

Using Connection to Improve Communications

May 30, 2023

Think about a train traveling down the tracks. If the locomotive train engine isn’t connected to the other cars, what will happen? The train will detach, causing massive delays! This also applies to manufacturing: if top-level leadership isn’t connected to the shop floor, there’s bound to be miscommunications, productivity breakdowns, and more. This was just … Read More

How to Find—and Use—Your “Emotional Magnet” to Improve Your Relationships

How to Find—and Use—Your “Emotional Magnet” to Improve Your Relationships

May 10, 2023

What is your “emotional magnet?” In her book Emotional Magnetism: How to Communicate to Ignite Connection in Your Relationships, my friend (and fellow Canadian!) Sandy Gerber shares how everyone has an emotional magnet, or a factor that motivates and impacts their interactions with others. She breaks them into four categories, with the acronym SAVE: S: … Read More

Same Old, Same Old—Or Is It?!

Same Old, Same Old—Or Is It?!

May 2, 2023

An Everyday Reminder of Impermanence Earlier this month, I stayed at a hotel while I helped a client. After a few days, I built up a bit of a rapport with the manager working in the lobby. As I walked into the hotel one day, I asked her how her day was going. “Same old, … Read More

How to Harness the Power of 360-Degree Feedback

How to Harness the Power of 360-Degree Feedback

April 26, 2023

My friend Brian Houp and I might support different football teams, but in the years since we first met at a class through the Center for Executive Coaching, we’ve found we have many things in common, including a love for great feedback! In his work as an executive coach, Brian is particularly passionate about 360-degree … Read More

How to Use Personality Tests to Motivate, Inspire, and Show Up

How to Use Personality Tests to Motivate, Inspire, and Show Up

April 6, 2023

Have you ever taken a personality test to learn more about your strengths, weakness, and leadership style? The Common Types of Personality Assessments There are dozens of different personality tests out there, but two of the most common are the DiSC assessment and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The DiSC assessment mainly looks at behavioral and … Read More

Three Questions to Improve Accountability and Autonomy

Three Questions to Improve Accountability and Autonomy

March 27, 2023

Do you want to improve accountability in your organization? Do you find yourself wishing your team was more autonomous? As a leader, you can steer your entire organization toward more accountability and autonomy—and it all starts with asking some simple questions! To learn more about how leaders can use questions to improve accountability and autonomy, … Read More

How to Become “The Ultimate Diffuser of Drama” in Your Organization

How to Become “The Ultimate Diffuser of Drama” in Your Organization

February 22, 2023

No one wants to deal with drama in the workplace! But whether the cause is a fed-up employee or a disagreement between two team members, drama is something leaders of all types will likely encounter in their organization. To help leaders master the skills they need to become “the ultimate diffuser of drama” in their … Read More

How Leaders Can Take Their Team From “Average” to “Amazing”

How Leaders Can Take Their Team From “Average” to “Amazing”

February 16, 2023

What’s the difference between an “average” team and an “amazing” one? That was the exciting question behind my recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast, where I was joined by my friend Dustin E. James. Dustin shared some great stories about his past experiences, turning them into lessons leaders can use to connect with their teams, find new … Read More

Appreciation: More Than a Once-a-Year Job!

Appreciation: More Than a Once-a-Year Job!

February 9, 2023

How often do you show appreciation or give positive feedback to your employees? Like many leaders, you might only give positive feedback at certain points, like after an employee gives a great presentation or finishes up work on a big project. With some team members, you might even only share your appreciation during an annual … Read More

Three Steps for Staying Curious

Three Steps for Staying Curious

January 31, 2023

In a recent article, I talked about why curiosity is a real superpower on the manufacturing floor. Even when a leader has great intentions or productive feedback, they may struggle to communicate with their team if they don’t have a curious mindset. Stay Curious or Shut Down Conversations?: A Case Study For example, look at … Read More

Right Time + Right Place + Right Mindset = Serendipity!

Right Time + Right Place + Right Mindset = Serendipity!

January 6, 2023

“Right place, right time.” You’ve probably heard this saying before, like when a team member happens to spot a small workplace issue before it gets worse or when you hear a miraculous story about a random bystander saving someone from an accident. Maybe you’ve even thought it yourself, like when when you arrive at your … Read More

Creating a Stronger, Safer Culture: The Basics of Psychological Safety

Creating a Stronger, Safer Culture: The Basics of Psychological Safety

January 3, 2023

On the manufacturing floor, you probably take steps to protect your employees from physical harm, like offering safety training on certain equipment or having clearly marked emergency exits. But are you doing enough to ensure psychological safety for your team, too? What Is Psychological Safety? The term “psychological safety” was first coined by Harvard business … Read More

How to Change Your Language—and Mindset—To Find Productive Outcomes

How to Change Your Language—and Mindset—To Find Productive Outcomes

December 12, 2022

“I’ve told her to complete this task a million times . . . why hasn’t she done it yet?!” As a manufacturing leader, have you ever asked yourself a question like this? On the floor, all leaders experience communication issues from time to time, and it’s all too easy to blame the team member who … Read More

Three Ways Manufacturing Leaders Can Combat “Quiet Quitting”

Three Ways Manufacturing Leaders Can Combat “Quiet Quitting”

December 5, 2022

Do you have a team member who is putting in minimal work, hesitating to share their feedback, or acting unmotivated on the manufacturing floor? You may be dealing with “quiet quitting.” Quiet quitting is when an employee feels unfulfilled or unhappy with their job but doesn’t officially quit. Instead, they continue to show up but … Read More

Diving Deeper Into Your Personal Brand: The Lessons Manufacturing Leaders Can Learn from Shark Diving

Diving Deeper Into Your Personal Brand: The Lessons Manufacturing Leaders Can Learn from Shark Diving

November 9, 2022

Would you go swimming with sharks? For many people, shark diving might sound like a literal nightmare. But for recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast guest Kenneth “Shark” Kinney, it’s a favorite hobby. Shark is a speaker and marketing specialist who uses his experiences with shark diving to help professionals find fearless, curiosity-driven ways to grow and … Read More

Using “The Four Cs of Leadership” to Take Yourself From Manager to Leader

Using “The Four Cs of Leadership” to Take Yourself From Manager to Leader

October 28, 2022

What’s the difference between a manager and a true leader? In his experience as a corporate trainer and speaker, recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast guest Dr. Andy Nellie has found four characteristics that make the difference between a leader and a manager—and they all begin with C! #1: Character If you want to be a good … Read More

The Manufacturing Leader’s Guide to Building Confidence

The Manufacturing Leader’s Guide to Building Confidence

October 14, 2022

When you walk onto the manufacturing floor in the morning, what happens? Are you type who loves to confidently strike up conversations with your team, or would you rather keep your head down and avoid conversations, especially when it comes to difficult topics like addressing an employee’s poor behavior? If you’re the introverted type, you … Read More

Three Ways Manufacturing Leaders Can Prepare for the Tech-Driven Future

Three Ways Manufacturing Leaders Can Prepare for the Tech-Driven Future

September 21, 2022

As the manufacturing becomes more reliant on technology, what does that mean for industry leaders? Are leaders going to become obsolete as machines and automated processes take control? Can they sit back and let machines do all the work? The answer to both these questions is a resounding no, according to tech humanist and recent … Read More

Three Questions for Changing Behavior

Three Questions for Changing Behavior

September 16, 2022

On the manufacturing floor, there are always going to be dozens of different, diverse personalities. When people with different—or even conflicting—personalities need to engage with each other, and it can cause conflicts that drain the energy of the team, create frustration, and lead to low productivity or high turnover. However, it’s still possible for a … Read More

The Six Steps to “Think and Grow Rich”

The Six Steps to “Think and Grow Rich”

September 7, 2022

In Napoleon Hill’s 1938 book Think and Grow Rich, he presents six steps leaders can take to find wealth, achieve success, and follow their greatest dreams. But when I first read his book, I was skeptical—could Hill’s tips really apply to today’s manufacturing leaders? Yes, according to recent Mindfulness Manufacturing guest Ann McNeill! As the … Read More

Using Everyday Language to Improve Manufacturing Floor Communications

Using Everyday Language to Improve Manufacturing Floor Communications

July 28, 2022

Stuff. Things. Literally. Simply. Think back to your last conversation on the manufacturing floor. Did you use any of these words? If you’re anything like me, there’s a good chance you did! But unclear words like these create confusion, contribute to miscommunications, and get in your way of coming across as a confident leader. To … Read More

Finding Your Power in the Changing World of Manufacturing

Finding Your Power in the Changing World of Manufacturing

July 14, 2022

The manufacturing world is on the verge of change! Due to the rise of artificial intelligence, automated technology, and other emerging technology, the manufacturing industry could see some huge changes in the next decade. Are you ready? Michael Neuendorff certainly is. He’s an executive coach and the president of Bay Area Executive Coach, based in … Read More

Connection Before Trust: The First Step is an Inside Job!

Connection Before Trust: The First Step is an Inside Job!

July 5, 2022

“My team just has too much connection!” Throughout my years of coaching and advising manufacturing leaders, this isn’t a statement I often hear. In fact, it’s usually the exact opposite. When there is a disconnect between leaders and their teams, it leads to communication challenges, poor culture, halted productivity, and a lack of trust throughout … Read More

Using Empathy, Intention, and Communication

Using Empathy, Intention, and Communication

June 23, 2022

Using Empathy, Intention, and Communication: The Tools for Breaking Down Barriers for Women in Manufacturing Women only account for 43% of the total workforce. Their numbers are even smaller in the manufacturing industry, with women holding around 27% to 29% of manufacturing industry jobs. To make matters worse, this percentage has stayed the same since … Read More

The Steps to Embracing Your Rubber Band Resilience

The Steps to Embracing Your Rubber Band Resilience

May 24, 2022

The Steps to Embracing Your Rubber Band Resilience To learn about growth and resilience, look toward rubber bands! On a recent episode of the Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast, I welcomed corporate energy expert Kathy Parry for an energizing conversation about her ideas on “rubber band resilience” and how manufacturing leaders can embrace the strain that comes … Read More

How to Bring “The Golden Rule” to the Manufacturing Floor

How to Bring “The Golden Rule” to the Manufacturing Floor

April 29, 2022

How to Bring “The Golden Rule” to the Manufacturing Floor “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Even though most manufacturing leaders have probably heard this “golden rule”, kindness and understanding are not always prioritized in the manufacturing industry. This was the topic of my recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast with guest Thom Singer, … Read More

Showing Who You Really Are: The Key Characteristics of Great Leaders

Showing Who You Really Are: The Key Characteristics of Great Leaders

March 25, 2022

“People see who you are—even if you don’t!” That’s one of the favorite sayings of John Raymer, a recent guest on my Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast. In this episode, John shared some great insights learned from his 28-year-career with Toyota Motor Manufacturing, especially about how manufacturing leaders can identify problems in their organizations by looking closely … Read More

Growing Your Mindset: The Steps it Does—and Doesn’t—Take

Growing Your Mindset: The Steps it Does—and Doesn’t—Take

February 4, 2022

The Barriers to a Growth Mindset In a book I read recently, I learned more about the two types of mindsets: growth mindsets and fixed mindsets. It got me thinking about the importance of being opened minded, but how open-mindedness alone isn’t always enough to set you up for success. It can actually cause you … Read More

When Results Make You a Believer — Improving Your Culture, Part 3

When Results Make You a Believer — Improving Your Culture, Part 3

August 11, 2021

“Emotional intelligence” has become a buzzword lately. With a growing emphasis on culture and shortages of supply of our talented workplace, curiosity about emotional intelligence is likely to grow. An interest in emotional intelligence is probably why you opened this article, so let’s dive back into our series on emotional intelligence and how it helped … Read More

The Emotional Culture Index – Improving Your Culture, Part 1

The Emotional Culture Index – Improving Your Culture, Part 1

July 26, 2021

Do you know how your staff really feels about you, or wonder what you can do to retain great staff and attract new employees? There’s now a simple way to measure that! You may have a feeling or opinion about what your employees think of you, but what you see or think might not align … Read More

What To Know Before Beginning Executive Coaching

What To Know Before Beginning Executive Coaching

July 19, 2021

If you’re considering executive coaching, here are a few things that will simplify your decision-making process! Pain and Permission When I was certified with the Center of Executive Coaching many years ago, I learned—the hard way!—that there are two key elements that are required for successful executive coaching engagement: pain and permission. What Does Pain … Read More

Why No One Listens To You—and How To Change That With The Coach Approach

Why No One Listens To You—and How To Change That With The Coach Approach

July 12, 2021

When you’re driving your car and a passenger is giving you directions—like turn left, take this exit, get in this lane, and turn right when we pass that old orange brick church—do you think you’ll remember how to get there by yourself next time? Heck no! Now, consider driving to the same location by yourself … Read More

Your Safe Has a Back Door: I Sealed Mine and You Can Too

Your Safe Has a Back Door: I Sealed Mine and You Can Too

June 18, 2021

When someone trusts you enough to tell you top secret information, it drives the connection we crave in relationships and confirms that others like us. But how do you know what you should or should not share? When it is gossip and ego urging us to impress others with what we know versus being authentic … Read More

Have You Been Riding your Emotional Waves or Tumbling into the Surf?

Have You Been Riding your Emotional Waves or Tumbling into the Surf?

September 4, 2020

I got some news I was not expecting that put me on the emotional surfboard and I went for a ride! Not the fun kind, the more distracting and uncomfortable kind; like a rollercoaster you really did not want to go on, and once it started, you just wanted off. If you work in manufacturing, … Read More

Episode #10 Building Resilience through COVID-19

Episode #10 Building Resilience through COVID-19

April 8, 2020

Join us for the first time recording in separate locations.  With everything going on in our world and practicing safe distancing we wanted to do our part and still provide you, our listeners with a good quality podcast.  Today’s theme is resiliency and how do we work this into our daily lives during this  COVID-19 … Read More

Episode #8 Lianne Gallie

Episode #8 Lianne Gallie

March 11, 2020

Privileged to have this dynamic woman share her path of mindfulness growing in all areas in manufacturing Human Resources, and now teaching these lessons at the college level.  Join us as we have fun with our friend Lianne Gallie, who provides great insights in how channel your emotions with intention! 2:19. My growing up phase. … Read More

Episode #7 Brian Skerrett

Episode #7 Brian Skerrett

February 26, 2020

Welcome Mindfulness Manufacturing community!  The legendary Brian Skerrett shares some of his wisdom gained through his 40 plus year career.  A pioneer integrating mindfulness and leadership training, it is a privilege to share this with you today.  His primary focus has been business coaching, with a niche in helping people to make individual changes today … Read More

Episode #6 JC Wilkinson

Episode #6 JC Wilkinson

February 12, 2020

Welcome Mindfulness Manufacturing community! Today we get some great insights from JC Wilkinson.  He is currently the  VP of Business Transformation for Vivid Impact based in Louisville KY.  Prior to Vivid Impact, JC spent 10 years as a COO/CFO for privately held organizations and another 10 years working with regional consulting firms providing accounting, tax, … Read More

Episode #5 Andrew De Haan Part 2

Episode #5 Andrew De Haan Part 2

January 29, 2020

Welcome Mindfulness Manufacturing community!  Enjoy more great discussions with Andrew De Haan Part 2.  He is a culture builder in automotive manufacturing.  A toolmaker with a love for people and leadership.  He touches on aspects of emotional intelligence, discusses his mistakes and successes, and shares a few laughs.  Including his mantra of -Do what is … Read More

Episode #4 Andrew De Haan Part 1

Episode #4 Andrew De Haan Part 1

January 17, 2020

Welcome Mindfulness Manufacturing community!  Today enjoy some great discussions with Andrew De Haan.  He is a culture builder in automotive manufacturing.  A toolmaker with a love for people and leadership.  He touches on aspects of emotional intelligence, discusses his mistakes and successes, and shares a few laughs.  Including his mantra of -Do what is right, … Read More

The “Who, What and Why” of Productive Meetings

The “Who, What and Why” of Productive Meetings

January 14, 2020

I am busy, lots of meetings, can’t get anything done!  A surefire way to know a drastic change is needed. There was a standard production meeting in comfy chairs that usually ran over an hour every day.  We had lots of data to review and had interesting discussions on what happened the previous day and … Read More

Does Emotional Intelligence Improve Safety?

Does Emotional Intelligence Improve Safety?

January 10, 2020

Results from one large manufacturer bear further study. Trevor Blondeel JAN 08, 2020 At the 2019 Genos Annual Global Conference in Hawaii, participants from 17 different countries heard speakers around the theme of “Emotional Intelligence in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.” I was surprised to find that a session on the relationship between emotional intelligence … Read More

Episode #2 Bill Priamo Part 1

Episode #2 Bill Priamo Part 1

November 30, 2019

Exciting interview Part 1 with the one and only Bill Priamo.  It is not often Bill shares his leadership insights on social media, Mindfulness Manufacturing had the privilege of going deep with Bill on many of his leadership perspectives.  Not your typical leader with a maintenance background. 1/ 2:30 Technology development verses the connection with … Read More

Episode #3 Bill Priamo Part 2

Episode #3 Bill Priamo Part 2

November 27, 2019

Part 2 with Bill Priamo – more great discussions! 1:00 – The fear of dealing with people 5:00 Try harder – does not work – those who Bill used to think were soft, actually had a lot to offer 9:00 Timing on when to send your message, positive or negative 13:50 Awareness of others 17:20 … Read More

An Introduction Mindfulness Manufacturing

An Introduction Mindfulness Manufacturing

November 21, 2019

Episode 1:  Mike Hillman and Trevor Blondeel are excited to launch their new manufacturing podcast.  This episode provides information about how and why they decided to develop this resource.  Each episode will feature an interview with manufacturing leaders on the topics of leadership challenges.

How are You Showing Up?

How are You Showing Up?

July 17, 2019

Turn Missed Targets into Better Results with Feedback. It was a typical day in high-volume manufacturing. Our $100 million+, 300-person operation had a new task at hand, one that needed to be completed right away. To get it done, I gathered the leadership team together and explained the task that we needed to accomplish. I … Read More

A Kickstart Edge for the New Year

A Kickstart Edge for the New Year

January 15, 2018

One of my mentors Brian suggested I check out this guy Andrew Neitlich and his Center for Executive Coaching to build on my 3 Cs; Competency, Credibility, and Confidence. It exceeded my expectations and put me into turbo drive! First of all, Andrew is a unique coach and trainer, and I learned an incredible amount … Read More

Breaking the Golden Handcuffs

Breaking the Golden Handcuffs

April 12, 2017

I didn’t even know I had them on. Just over a year ago, a recruiter called me about a very interesting opportunity which could have been a good fit. Through the conversation, we discussed what my salary was at that time.  He sensed my concern in what the future position compensated. He then said to … Read More

‘I Believe In You’, and 4 Key points That Make it Real

‘I Believe In You’, and 4 Key points That Make it Real

July 19, 2016

A man almost lost his career and confidence in himself. My direct influence was pushing him one way or another. We may not be saving lives on the operating table, but I know we are shaping one’s worth. It takes two:  Leader and the student; both have to have the courage to bounce back. I … Read More

Put Some Windex On It

Put Some Windex On It

May 9, 2016

Put some Windex on it; it will fix anything.   Spending time with my wife means watching a lot of romantic comedies.   It’s because she wants to watch them and I am so supportive.  Honest.   My Big Fat Greek Wedding has become one of my favourites of the genre. Gus Portokalos, the father of the bride … Read More

My Lean Journey Derailed, Here is How I am Getting Things Back on Track

My Lean Journey Derailed, Here is How I am Getting Things Back on Track

April 14, 2016

It’s hard to believe I’ve spent twenty years in the automotive industry. For the last eight, I’ve held senior leadership positions in: Logistics, Material Planning, Trucking, Internal Material flow, Engineering, Maintenance, and Operations.  And I never had a clue what I was doing. We had started doing great things before the financial crisis of 2008.  … Read More