Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Assessment
The Genos Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Survey is the best measure of emotional intelligence for leaders. It measures how well you demonstrate emotionally intelligent leadership competencies in comparison to others. The more often you demonstrate the competencies measured, the more effective your leadership should be.

EI Leadership Self Report
This assessment is designed for emerging or front-line leaders. Perfect for use in development workshops, conferences and other group development mediums.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results

180° EI Leadership Feedback Report
This assessment is designed for front-line to supervisor development. Perfect for use in development workshops, conferences and other group development mediums.
Contains: Feedback from Direct Reports
Optional Self-Assessment

360° EI Leadership Feedback Report
This assessment is designed for middle to senior leadership development. Customisable rater categories are used to suit the vernacular your people are familiar with.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results and Feedback from Multiple Rater Levels
Key Features of the Assessment
- Interpretation of results is engaging and readily accessible with our beautifully presented reports.
- Benchmarked, raw and gap scores for each competency and behaviour, measured to help leaders quickly interpret and act on their results.
- Raters provide free text responses for each competency assessed. These are captured in the Feedback Report and help leaders understand the context behind rater responses to assessment questions.
- The ‘traffic light’ methodology helps leaders quickly identify gaps between how important and how well they demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviours.
- Housed in a modern, responsive, online survey system. Raters can complete on their phone, tablet, PC or Mac, anywhere, at any time. The simple and secure administration platform makes it easy to set up survey groups, monitor survey progress and download finished reports.

Emotional Intelligence Recruitment Assessment
The Genos emotional intelligence recruitment survey is the best measure of how often a candidate demonstrates emotional intelligence in the workplace.
Key Features of the Assessment
- Extensively researched and validated model and measure.
- Results are presented in an engaging and readily accessible format with recommended interview questions and evaluation guides.
The simple and secure administration platform makes it easy to set up survey groups, monitor survey progress and download finished reports.
- The survey is timed, providing candidates with 30 minutes to complete.
Includes sophisticated measures of lie detection, inflated scores and inconsistent responding, and adjust scores accordingly to ensure meaningful results are provided.
The Emotionally Intelligent Sales Assessment
This report will provide you with insight into how important it is that you demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour, insight into how well you currently demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour, and practical tips on how to obtain additional feedback from others on your emotional intelligence and how to effectively respond to it.

EI Sales Behaviour Self Report
This assessment is designed for introductory workshops or front-line employees.
This individual assessment report presents how well an individual believes they demonstrate emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, and how important they believe it is to do so.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results

180° EI Sales Behaviour Feedback Report
This assessment is designed for introductory workshops or front-line employees.
This report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters.
Contains: Feedback from Colleagues and Customers

360° EI Sales Behaviour Feedback Report
This report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters.
Customisable rater categories are used to suit the vernacular your people are familiar with, including customers.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results and Feedback from Multiple Rater Categories including Customers
Key Features of the Assessment
- Interpretation of results is engaging and readily accessible with our beautifully presented reports.
- Benchmarked results provide a comparison with others self-assessed results and the report outlines the type of behaviours associated with being emotionally intelligent in the workplace.
- Raters provide free text responses for each competency assessed. These are captured in the Feedback Report and help understand the context behind rater responses to assessment questions.
- A traffic light methodology highlights areas of potential strength and development.
- Housed in a modern, responsive, online survey system. Raters can complete on their phone, tablet, PC or Mac, anywhere, at any time. The simple and secure administration platform makes it easy to set up survey groups, monitor survey progress and download finished reports.

It was an eye-awakening and positive 360 EI Leadership Feedback Report I received working with Trevor. For me, it was validation of where I was at, with the team. I was able to place more emphasis and improve my leadership skills where it was needed. With this unbiased assessment of how the they perceived my ability to positively influence their behaviour and engagement, I truly believe we created a stronger team with the coaching and insights.
Rob Kennedy, Martinrea International – Commercial Assistant General Manager