More Than Positive Thinking: A Psychologist’s Lessons for Finding a Productive Approach to Positivity

November 29, 2023By Trevor BlondeelArticles by Trevor, Leadership, Podcast Preview, Productivity

“Just think positive!” We’ve all heard this saying dozens of times in our lives. It’s likely you’ve even said it yourself to a friend or coworker struggling with a challenge or setback. But is “just think positive!” really helpful, or is it nothing more than a trite motivational phase? Could we all benefit from shifting … Read More

Relationships, Realities, Results, and Authenticity: The Equation for Success

October 5, 2023By Trevor BlondeelArticles by Trevor, Leadership, Podcast Preview, Productivity

“How can I be my most authentic self at work?” Throughout her years working in the male-dominated auto manufacturing industry, recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast guest Kathy Miller was no stranger to this question. For women like Kathy, it can be a challenge to find the balance between holding their own on the floor and staying … Read More

Win the Day! Using Motivation, Engagement, and Intentionality to Find Productive Results

September 21, 2023By Trevor BlondeelArticles by Trevor, Leadership, Podcast Preview, Productivity

Are you winning? I love to ask this question when I enter a manufacturing plant, and it’s always interesting to see the variety of results. I recently had my own win—reaching Episode 100 on my Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast! I started the podcast in 2019, and have released an episode every two weeks without a single … Read More

“What Else Can I Do to Help?” And Other Ways to Be Relentlessly Helpful

September 6, 2023By Trevor BlondeelArticles by Trevor, Leadership, Podcast Preview, Productivity

“What else can I do to help?” When Susan Baier, a professional speaker and the founder of Audience Audit, was fresh out of college, this simple question changed the entire trajectory of her career. As she recently shared as a guest on my Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast, Susan was in an interview with an advertising professional … Read More

Three Ways to Prepare for an Ovation-Worthy Performance

September 6, 2023By Trevor BlondeelArticles by Trevor, Leadership, Podcast Preview, Productivity

Any conversation has the potential to be an ovation-worthy performance! This is the basis of Michael Port’s book, Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life. As a former professional actor and the founder of Heroic Public Speaking, Michael … Read More

Bringing Everyday Magic to the Manufacturing Floor

July 12, 2023By Trevor BlondeelArticles by Trevor, Leadership, Podcast Preview, Productivity

On the manufacturing floor, you might not see rabbits being pulled out of hats or people vanishing in a puff of smoke, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t everyday chances to create a little magic! According to my recent Mindfulness Manufacturing podcast guest, speaker, author, entrepreneur (and magician!) Jon Petz, magical moments are all around. … Read More