Training Programs
Personality Dimensions — THE Starting Point
Often relationship management can tear apart a team, limiting your ability to accomplish your goals. Too often we get focused on tasks and what we perceive as the obvious roadblocks to success. Personality Dimensions offers a unique platform to explore the different personalities in your organization.
Participants will be introduced to a dynamic personality model that will help them realize their individual strengths, values, motivators and working styles, as well as those of others. You will unleash a power that comes from understanding the unique talents of your team and how to utilize and maximize their results.
In his 25 years in Operations, Trevor has found that Personality Dimensions is the training tool that is the most used and is practiced daily. Understanding different personality types and personal motivators can improve team communications and minimize waste. Whether your team is currently cohesive and wants to get to the next level, or you are facing a time of controversy, this program will enhance any teams ability to utilize everyone’s skills and learn to respect our differences.
Operation Kickstart afforded an opportunity for myself and some of my key leaders to engage in deepening our understanding of the impact that emotional intelligence has on leadership. The program certainly enhanced our awareness of the importance of how we show up and provided tools and techniques so we could all improve.
Mike Forhan, President, Managing Partner at Crossover Solutions